Proxy Climates, 2019 - ongoing
installation (pollen grains, bio resin, sand), variable dimensions
Pollen is a palaeoclimatic proxy, used in climate reconstruction and understanding of global climate dynamics. With its diverse range of climate sensitivities, it is an indicator of past vegetation changes. Since 2019 Benera & Estefan have been collecting pollen grains from dry land regions in the process of desertification, where vegetation is slowly vanishing. The artist duo started with the Oltenian Sahara in Southern Romania, then extended the research to other regions across Europe (such as Serbia, Italy, Hungary, Greece, Spain). The Mediterranean region is an area particularly vulnerable to climate change due to its sensitivity to drought.
The collected pollen particles are archived and presented in the shape of geological core samples. The project aims to preserve the plant's genetic material and memory of disappearing flora, while also serving as possible scientific material for future paleoclimatic studies.
text by Daphne Dragona
The Sahara of Romania
Dabuleni village, 2018
Paleoclimatology relies on proxy records like ice core,
deep-sea drilling, or pollen samples,
to reconstruct past climates, from decades to millions of years.
Pollen grains are nature’s record-keepers.